Andreas Abecker: Selected Professional Activities and Memberships




·         Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. , member in the database and the artificial intelligence divisions; in particular: Fachgruppe 1.5.1 Wissensmanagement (Former Member of the Management Board)

·         AIK e.V. , networking association for applied computer science, hosted by the AIFB institute of Karlsruhe University (now KIT)

·         AKWM, Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement Karlsruhe e.V.



Logo of STI Germany


STI (Semantic Technologies Institute) International: Coordinator of the Karlsruhe Office of the National Center STI Germany





October 2009: Local Organization First German BarCamp on Knowledge Management

September 2009: Co-Editor of IEEE Intelligent Systems, Special Issue on „Transforming E-government and E-participation through IT“

Co-Organization ESWC-2006 Workshop on Semantics for Business Process Management, June 2006, Budva / Serbia & Montenegro

Co-Organization ESWC-2006 Workshop on Semantic Web for eGovernment, June 2006, Budva / Serbia & Montenegro


Co-Organization ECAI-2004 Workshop on Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management, August 2004, Sevilla, Spain

September 2003: IQPC Knowledge Task
Effizienzsteigerung, Prozessoptimierung und Kostenreduktion durch Knowledge Management

- Workshop Geschäftsprozessorientiertes Wissensmanagement -

AMKM LogoCo-Chair of AAAI Spring Symposium on Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management (AMKM-03) , March 24-26, 2003, Stanford University

WM-03 LogoWM-2003 : 2. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement Erfahrungen und Visionen Luzern / Schweiz, 2.-4. April 2002:


PC Member ES2002 - The Twenty-second SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, December 10-12, 2002 


Program Committe member the AIM EurAsian Workshop on Agents for Information Management (part of EURASIA-ICT 2002 ), October 30, 2002, Tehran, Iran

Program Committee member International Workshop on Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: Theories and Applications ( RASTA'02 ), as part of AAMAS 2002 , July 15-19, 2002, Bologna, Italy

March 2002: KM expert for the EUROSTAT  European Office for Statistics, talk about Process-Oriented Knowledge Management at the Technology days on Knowledge and Statistics, Luxembourg

Co-Chair of  Third International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Knowledge Management   (TAKMA 2002). In Conjunction with DEXA 2002  Aix-en-Provence, France September 2 - 6, 2002.

Program Committee member Experience Management 2002 , Berlin, March 7-8, 2002

November 2001: Represented the DECOR Project (Funded by the European Commission under grant IST 1999-13002) at KM Europe 2001 , Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 27-29, 2001

September 2001: Track Chair at 3rd International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations (LSO'01) , September 12 & 13, 2001, Kaiserslautern, Germany

July 2001: PC member KI-2001 Workshop on Ontologies , Vienna, Austria, September 18, 2001

July 2001: Reviewer for ES 2001 , Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK, December 10th-12th 2001

June 2001: Reviewer for DS'2001 - The Fourth International Conference on Discovery Science , Washington D.C., USA, November 25-28, 2001

March 2001: Together with Jürgen Müller, Knut Hinkelmann and Heiko Maus: Organization of the Workshop " Geschäftsprozeßorientiertes Wissensmanagement - Von der Strategie zum Content " as part of: 1. Konferenz " Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen ", Baden-Baden, Germany. CEUR-Proceedings available.


March 2001: Together with Ansgar Bernardi: Tutorial "Innovative Softwareunterstützung für das Wissensmanagement: Eine Integration von produkt- und prozessorientiertem Ansatz " as part of: 1. Konferenz " Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen ", Baden-Baden, 14.-16. März 2001

Spring 2001: PC member Workshop on Individual and Organizational Learning for Software Improvement (INOR '01) in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering SEKE '01, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Spring 2001: PC member 1st Workshop on Engineering of e-Business Applications , a part of WET-ICE - IEEE 10th Intl. Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises , June 20-22, 2001, MIT, Cambridge, Massachussets, USA

Spring 2001: PC member 3rd International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations (LSO'01) , September 12 & 13, 2001, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Since Winter 2000/01: Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering



Dagstuhl-Seminar " Knowledge Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach ", Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany, July 2000

April 2000: Tutorial on Knowledge Management Technology as part of:

PAKeM 2000 , The Third International Conference and Exhibition on The Practical Application of Knowledge Management, Manchester, UK.

April 2000: Program Committee Member: 2nd International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations (LSO) as part of Product Focused Software Process Improvement (Profes 2000) , June 2000, Oulu / Finland

April 2000: Program Committee Member: First International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Knowledge Management TAKMA 2000 as part of:

 DEXA-2000 , 11th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, September 2000, London - Greenwich, UK 

Spring 2000: Editor of a Special Issue on Organizational Memory and Knowledge Management of the Kluwer International Journal on Information System Frontiers

Spring 2000: Reviewer for a Special Issue on "AI in Knowledge Management" of Elsevier's "Knowledge-based Systems" Journal

November 1999: Local arrangements for the Sharing Day on Ontologies organized by KALIF for the projects of the
ESPRIT Learning and Training in Industry (LTI) programme

September 1999: Participation in the 8th Workshop of the interdisciplinary Swiss-German-Dutch Special Interest Group in Knowledge Management ( Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wissensmanagement Kaiserslautern WMK)

Main organizer of the KAW-99 Special Track on Ontologies and Metadata for Knowledge Retrieval , Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 1999,  ( papers presented ) -
please note: though having inspired, announced, prepared, and organized this track in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Amit Sheth (Athens, Georgia), Prof. Tarcisio de Souza Lima (Athens, Georgia and São Carlos, Brazil), and Stefan Decker (Stanford, California and Karlsruhe, Germany) the KAW main organization did not allow us to participate in Banff and chair our track because they insisted in a strict interpretation of certain workshop policies even at the cost of damaging the scientific content. They deserve our special congratulations for their flexibility and sure instinct. We apologize to all our special track participants for an unforeseen run of the event.

July 1999: Reviewer for The Nineteenth SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems  and Applied Artificial Intelligence (ES'99) , Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

June 1999: Reviewer for the KAIS Springer Journal: Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS): An International Journal

ECIS'99 - Copenhagen, Denmark
June 1999: Panelist on "IS-Enabled Corporate Knowledge Management: Research Directions and Lessons from the Field" , a panel discussion held at the 7th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS-99 , Copenhagen, Denmark

Program Committee member of the Workshop on Practical Case-Based Reasoning Strategies for Building and Maintaining Corporate Memories held in conjunction with the ICCBR'99 , Monastery Seeon, Munich, Germany, July 1999

Co-Organizer of the   IJCAI-99 Workshop on Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories (OM-99), Stockholm, Sweden, August 1999 ( accepted papers )

ECIS'99 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Program Committee Member of the 2nd Int. Workshop on Innovative Internet Information Systems (IIIS-99), held together with the ECIS-99, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1999 (program )

Program Committee Member of the SEKE-99 Workshop on Learning Software Organizations , Kaiserslautern, Germany, June 1999

October 1998: Reviewer for the FLAIRS-99 Conference

> Schau mal:>> > > Gehste hin?> > Gruss,> >  Stefan> > > Kolloquium am 4.2.1999> > > > >               Lotus Domino/Notes: First Semi-Structured>                              DBMS of the World > > >                                      C. Mohan>                        INRIA (Rocquencourt, France) and >                  IBM Almaden Research Center (San Jose, USA) > --> Stefan Decker> University of Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB> D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany> Tel.: +49-(0)721-608 6589, Fax.: +49-(0)721-693 717> E-mail: Stefan.Decker@aifb.uni-kInternational Journal of Human-Computer Studies / Knowledge Acquisition
September 1998: Reviewer for the Special Issue on Organizational Memory and Knowledge Management of the International Journal on Human-Computer Studies

August 1998: Co-organizer of the ECAI-98 Workshop on  Building, Maintaining, And Using Organizational Memories (Proceedings available)

March 1998: ECAI-98 Reviewer

September 1997: Initiator and one of the organizers of the KI-97 Workshop Wissensbasierte Systeme für das Wissensmanagement im Unternehmen ( Proceedings available ) (Knowledge-Based Systems for Enterprise Knowledge Management)

April 1997: Participation in the 3rd Workshop of the interdisciplinary Swiss-German Special Interest Group in Knowledge Management ( Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wissensmanagement Kaiserslautern WMK)

August 1997: Participation One-Day-Tutorial on  Business Process Modeling with the ADONIS Toolkit  by BOC Information Technologies Consulting GmbH , Wien, Berlin, Madrid

January 1997: Reviewer for ICDAR`97

November 1996: Participation in the 2nd Workshop of the interdisciplinary Swiss-German Special Interest Group in Knowledge Management ( Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wissensmanagement Kaiserslautern WMK)

June 1996: Participation DFKI-One-Day-Tutorial Programming with Java by Dr. Reinhard Eppler , University of Kaiserslautern. 

June 1996: Reviewer for Fachgruppentreffen FGML-96 of the GI special interest group on Machine Learning, Chemnitz. 

May 1996: Additional reviewer for Workshop on Declarative Constraint-Programming at the KI-96, 20. Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, Dresden. 

January 1996: I initiated and was one of four organizers of a DFKI internal Workshop on Constraint-Based Problem Solving

1995: Reviewer for ECAI-96 workshop selection